REPLAY Dan Richer – Everything I Learned

Dan Richer is the author of my favorite book ever written on pizza-making, The Joy of PIzza. In this episode, Dan discusses his approach to this book and how he put everything he’s ever learned about pizza-making into it. Joy of Pizza has gone on to become a NY Times bestseller. In 2007, Dan Richer purchased a struggling pizzeria in Maplewood, New Jersey, transforming it into a fun, lively restaurant lauded for its fresh ingredients and artisanal pizza.  Ten years later, Dan was a semifinalist for the James Beard Foundation Rising Star Chef.  Dan’s restaurant Razza received a three-star review from the New York Times, and in 2019 it was named the Best Pizza in North America.
Follow Jim Serpico on Instagram: @jimserpico
Follow Dan Richer on Instagram: @danricher

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